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Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test: All You Need To Know

If you need the formulas for a specific math problem, this article promises to provide you with a chart of Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test. The ASVAB Math covers a wide range of topics and knowledge from elementary school to high school. You might be worried about remembering all of the formulas and arithmetic concepts and recalling them on the test. Most test candidates struggle to prepare for the exam at this point.

The ASVAB is a test that most military applicants must pass before joining the service. It is used as a part of the qualification process to assess whether or not an individual would be successful in a specific career field and if they have what it takes to serve their country as a member of the United States Armed Forces.

And apparently, ASVAB Math Test is one of the sections you cannot skip. And don’t forget to take our free ASVAB practice test 2024 for the Math section!

math formulas for the asvab
math formulas for the ASVAB

The CAT-ASVAB Mathematics Knowledge test includes 16 multiple-choice, computer-adaptive questions. You have 20 minutes to finish the test before moving on to the next test subject. You cannot change your responses once they are submitted.

The P&P-ASVAB Mathematics Knowledge test includes 25 multiple-choice questions. You have 24 minutes to finish the test. If you have time, you’d better review your work and make sure you have answered every question – even if you have to guess. All testing recruits move to the next test as a group.

While you have probably learned many of these formulas, there are only some of them that you would actually use in the test. So, which one is the most applicable? Following is a quick formula reference sheet listing all important ASVAB Math formulas you MUST know before sitting down for the test. 

For more details, read our ASVAB Math Study Guide now!


Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test – Fractions



Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test – Percents


Math Formulas for ASVAB Test
Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test – Exponents


In mathematics, the factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. It is denoted by n

with n is any real number.

For example:

4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24


asvab math formulas
Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test – Logarithms


asvab math formulas
Statistics – Math Formulas for ASVAB Test


asvab math formulas
Algebra- Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test

Geometry – Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test

math formulas for asvab
Geometry – Math Formulas for the ASVAB Test

Learning all of the formulas in our ASVAB Math Formula Cheat Sheet may allow you to save time on the exam and correctly answer a few more questions.


To summarize, the ASVAB test is an important exam that can affect your future military career. Math is a significant part of this exam, and you should grasp and memorize the major formulae and concepts that will be assessed. You can dramatically improve your chances of passing the exam test by reviewing and practicing the ASVAB math formulae described in this blog post. Remember to use all of the resources at your disposal, including study guides, online practice tests, and tutoring programs, to help you prepare for this essential exam. With dedication and hard study, you can get a high ASVAB score and take the first step toward a rewarding military career.

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Dung Hoang