ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Practice Test

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About ABC E-learning ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Practice Test 2024

The ASVAB Test as a whole is made up of 10 subtests with a total of 135 questions. The Arithmetic Reasoning subtest falls into the math domain, which is constructed to test the ability of candidates in the following concepts:

  • Arithmetic: You are expected to be able to solve basic arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
  • Percentages: This focuses on calculating cost price, sale price, discount, etc.
  • Ratio and proportion: You are asked to use simple formulas to solve ratio and proportion-related questions. 
  • Interest: More complicated formulas are applied in this part, which requires you to take more steps to solve the problems.
  • Numbers: You will be asked about whole numbers, decimals, real numbers, fractions, imaginary numbers, etc.

The number of questions and time limit will vary, depending on which version of the test you choose to take. The computerized version of the CAT-ASVAB has 16 questions and is required to be completed in 39 minutes, meanwhile, the traditional paper-and-pencil version includes 30 questions and must be finished in 36 minutes.

Our Arithmetic Reasoning practice questions will help you achieve the most perfect score in this section. We have analyzed and collected the most updated practice questions for the Arithmetic Reasoning subtests. Take as many of our Arithmetic Reasoning ASVAB practice tests as you can to become acquainted with the test format and identify your strengths and weaknesses. If you want to pass your exam easily and enlist in the Military, don’t hesitate to put your trust in us!