This FREE Full-length ASVAB Practice Test (updated for 2025) will assist you in preparing for your exam. Review our 145 ASVAB practice questions with detailed answers and extensive explanations to get a feel for what the actual ASVAB is like.
This full ASVAB Practice Test (Armed Forces Qualification Test) will include all 9 ASVAB topics (general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematical knowledge, electronics knowledge, auto & shop information, mechanical comprehension, and assembling objects).
This AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) will consist of 145 multiple-choice questions. Our ASVAB practice exams follow the same format and organization as the computerized examination, known as the CAT-ASVAB. The tests feature the same amount of questions, and the same kinds of questions, and are timed exactly like the real thing.