ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension Practice Test

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Welcome to our ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension practice test - your reliable assistant on the way to technical or engineering military jobs. Our practice is meticulously designed with a smart structure, comprehensive coverage, and realistic content that closely simulates the official ASVAB. If you devote your time to practicing and revising our sample test, it is promising that you pass this ASVAB subtest with a flying score and secure your dream job.

What is covered in our ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension practice test?

Our practice test closely mimics the primary concepts of the actual Mechanical Comprehension subtest, including:

  • Machines: Practice questions on simple machines such as levers, pulleys, and wedges, and mechanical advantages. Gear ratios and their impact on movement and force are also covered.

  • Fundamentals of mechanics: Deal with questions on the basics of mechanical physics, such as basic mechanical concepts, friction between various surfaces, potential energy, and the use of power in systems and machines.

There are approximately 40 to 50 multiple-choice questions in each subtopic to help you be well-prepared before the actual test. 

How does our practice test for Mechanical Comprehension ASVAB work?

Our practice test systematically places you in a learning cycle that guarantees repeated exposure to concepts you struggle the most with, each time reinforcing your knowledge further. Here is how it works:

  • Building subtopic sprint: We segment the practice into certain subtopics so that each important area can be focused on and practiced comprehensively without getting overwhelmed. 

  • Developing spaced repetition practice: In each smaller part of subtopics, if you answer a question incorrectly, it does not simply vanish. Instead, that question reappears after a shorter interval, strategically timed to ensure that you cross the concept again until you master it. This feature creates a strong learning cycle where you are compelled to face the areas you struggle with and comprehend them before practicing the next part. 

  • Calculating your score: After finishing each part, our practice test will calculate your score for the first try and suggest the ideal score to pass. 

  • Offering feedback with comprehensive explanations: Immediate feedback and explanations are provided after you submit your response. These explanations help you sharpen your knowledge of mechanics and physics more thoroughly and quickly. In-depth explanations are available with a Pro account. 

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  • Designing with flexible timing and attempts: You can practice at your own pace, with no time limit or restrictions on the number of retakes, making sure you absorb the material before the actual test day.

Besides this ASVAB practice for Mechanical Comprehension, it is recommended that you take our full ASVAB practice test or practice ASVAB tests for different subtests and branches to boost your overall score. 


1. How many questions are on the ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension subtest?

The CAT-ASVAB has 15 questions and the P&P-ASVAB has 25 questions.

2. How hard is the ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension subtest?

The answer depends on how well you understand the mechanical concepts. You can improve your knowledge by studying with our practice test and referring to the detailed explanations at the end of every question.

3. Is the practice test for ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension free?

Yes, we release this free practice test for anyone to prepare for the ASVAB.