Finding perfect Marine jobs by your ASVAB scores

Got your ASVAB scores and wondering, “What jobs do I qualify for with these ASVAB scores”? For those with a specific passion for the Marines, and are looking to secure a position, this post is just for you. 

This post is dedicated to helping you understand exactly what ASVAB scores for Marines and Marine jobs. We have covered everything you need to know—from score requirements to detailed job descriptions, so you can confidently pursue the best opportunities. Scroll down now to discover the Marine job that matches your ASVAB score and start planning your military career!

How to calculate the Marine ASVAB score?

Understanding how your Marine ASVAB score is calculated is important for determining your perfect Marine job. The Marine Corps uses two key ASVAB scores: line score and AFQT score. Both scores are derived from your ASVAB standard scores, which are key factors in determining your qualifications for different roles.

Step 1. Determine standard score

The first step in calculating your Marine ASVAB score is to determine your standard scores. These scores are derived from the number of correct responses (raw scores) on the ASVAB subtests. Your raw scores are then compared to a national sample of 18-23-year-old youth from 1997 to generate your standard scores.

How to calculate the Marine ASVAB score?
How to calculate the Marine ASVAB score?

These scores show how you rank compared to other test-takers and are used to calculate both your line and AFQT scores.

Step 2. Compute Marine line score

Next, you will use your specific standard scores to calculate your Marine line scores. According to the official ASVAB, line scores for Marines include the following categories: Mechanical Maintenance (MM), General Technical (GT), Electronics (EL), and Clerical (CL):

Marine line scoresSubtest testsComutational forrmula
Mechanical Maintenance (MM)Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Auto & Shop Information (AS), Electronics Information (EI), and Mechanical Comprehension (MC)AR + AS + EI + MC
General Technical (GT)Verbal Expression (VE), Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), and Mechanical Comprehension (MC)VE + AR +MC
Electronics (EL)General Science (GS), Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), and Electronics Information (EI)GS + AR + MK + EI
Clerical (CL)Verbal Expression (VE) and Mathematics Knowledge (MK)VE + MK

Step 3. Determine AFQT score 

The final step is to calculate your AFQT score. This score is derived from the standard scores of four ASVAB subtests: AR, MK, WK, and PC. Your AFQT score determines your basic eligibility to enlist in the Marine Corps.

Marine ASVAB score calculator

To simplify the process of calculating your score, we have developed a specialized Marine ASVAB score calculator. This tool is designed to help you accurately compute your AFQT and line scores without the complexity of manual calculations.

Follow these steps to use our Marine ASVAB score calculator:

Step 1. Enter your scores

Simply input your standard scores for each ASVAB subtest into the calculator here. 

Step 2: Get instant results

Our calculator will automatically generate your AFQT and line scores, allowing you to quickly see where you stand, and your score to apply in the Marines. 

This tool is incredibly convenient, ensuring that you get precise results to help you prepare for your Marine Corps career.

What is a good score for the Marine Crops?

A “good score” for the Marines is the score that qualifies you for your desired job in the Marine Corps. To determine what a good ASVAB score is, consider these criteria: 

  • Meeting the minimum AFQT requirement: To be eligible to enlist in the Marine Corps, your AFQT score must meet the minimum requirement. Check the minimum AFQT score below to know whether you are eligible.
  • Achieving the required line scores: Beyond the AFQT, a good ASVAB score for Marines is a score that fulfills specific line score requirements of Marine MOS. To secure your desired position, ensure your scores align with the requirements mentioned in the section below. 
  • Meeting enlistment benefits: If you aim for benefits or incentives after enlisting, you need a score above the average participants. 

The higher your score, the more confident you can be about qualifying for various Marine jobs and enlistment benefits. 

Minimum AFQT score requirements for Marines

According to the Marines, a minimum AFQT is required for all recruits to ensure they have a basic capacity for Marine training programs and duties. To qualify for Marine enlistment, the following AFQT score requirements apply:

  • High school diploma holders: A minimum AFQT score of 31.
  • Nontraditional degrees or GED holders: A minimum AFQT score of 50
Minimum ASVAB score for Marines
Minimum ASVAB score for Marines

ASVAB score for Marine Corps MOS

In the Marine Corps, jobs are referred to as Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). Each MOS has specific ASVAB line score requirements. Here’s a table detailing the minimum ASVAB scores for various Marine MOS:

ASVAB score requirements by Marine Corps MOS

MOS CodeMarine Corps job titleASVAB line scores minimum
0111Administrative SpecialistCL: 100
0147Equal Opportunity AdvisorCL: 100
0149Substance Abuse Control SpecialistCL: 100
0161Postal ClerkCL: 100
0211Counterintelligence SpecialistGT: 110
0231Intelligence SpecialistGT: 100
0241Imagery Analysis SpecialistGT: 100
0261Geographic Intelligence SpecialistEL: 100
0311Infantry RiflemanGT: 80
0312Riverine Assault Craft CrewmanGT: 90
0313LAV CrewmanGT: 90
0317Scout SniperGT: 100
0321Reconnaissance ManGT: 105
0331Machine GunnerGT: 80
0341MortarmanGT: 80
0351Infantry AssaultmanGT: 100
0352Antitank MissilemenGT: 100
0372Critical Skills OperatorGT: 105
0411Maintenance Management SpecialistGT: 100
0431Logistics/Embarkation SpecialistGT: 100
0451Airborne and Air Delivery SpecialistGT: 100
0481Landing Support SpecialistGT: 95 or MM: 100
0511MAGTF Planning SpecialistGT: 110
0612Tactical Switching OperatorGT: 105
0613Construction WiremanEL: 105
0627Satellite Communications OperatorEL: 105
0651Cyber Network OperatorGT: 110
0811Field Artillery CannoneerGT: 90
0814High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) OperatorGT: 90
0842Field Artillery Radar OperatorGT: 105
0844Field Artillery Fire Control ManGT: 105
0847Field Artillery Sensor Support ManGT: 105
1141ElectricianEL: 90
1142Engineer Equipment Electrical Systems TechnicianMM: 105 or EL: 100
1161Refrigeration and Air Conditioning TechnicianMM: 105
1171Water Support TechnicianMM: 95
1316Metal WorkerMM: 95
1341Engineer Equipment MechanicMM: 95
1345Engineer Equipment OperatorMM: 95
1361Engineer AssistantGT: 100
1371Combat EngineerMM: 95
1391Bulk Fuel SpecialistMM: 95
1812M1A1 Tank CrewmanGT: 90
1833Assault Amphibious Vehicle CrewmanGT: 90
2111Small Arms Repairer/TechnicianMM: 95
2131Towed Artillery Systems TechnicianMM: 95
2141Assault Amphibious Vehicle Repairer/TechnicianMM: 105
2146Main Battle Tank Repairer/TechnicianMM: 105
2147Light Armored Vehicle Repairer/TechnicianMM: 105
2161MachinistMM: 105
2171Electro-Optical Ordnance RepairerMM: 105 or EL: 115
2311Ammunition TechnicianGT: 100
2631Electronic Intelligence Intercept Operator/AnalystGT: 100
2651Special Intelligence System Administrator/CommunicatorGT: 100
2671Middle East Cryptologic LinguistGT: 105
2673Asia Pacific Cryptologic LinguistGT: 105
2674European Cryptologic LinguistGT: 105
2676Central Asian Cryptologic LinguistGT: 105
2821Technical ControllerEL: 115
2831Digital Wideband RepairerEL: 115
2841Ground Radio RepairerEL: 115
2847Telephone Systems/Personal Computer RepairerEL: 115
2871Calibration TechnicianEL: 115
2887Artillery Electronic TechniciansEL: 115
3043Supply Administration and Operations SpecialistCL: 105
3051Warehouse ClerkCL: 90
3052Packaging SpecialistsCL: 90
3112Distribution Management SpecialistsGT: 90
3381Food Service SpecialistsGT: 90
3432Finance TechnicianCL: 105
3451Financial Management Resource AnalystGT: 110
3521Automotive Maintenance TechnicianMM: 95
3531Motor Vehicle OperatorMM: 85
4341Combat CorrespondentGT: 110
4421Legal Support SpecialistGT: 105 and CL: 110
4612Combat Camera Production SpecialistGT: 100
4641Combat PhotographerGT: 100
4671Combat VideographerGT: 100
5711Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense SpecialistGT: 110
5811Military PoliceGT: 100
5831Correctional SpecialistsGT: 100
5939Aviation Communication Systems TechnicianEL: 115
5948Aviation Radar RepairerEL: 115
5951Aviation Meteorological Equipment TechnicianEL: 110
5952Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids TechnicianEL: 110
5953Air Traffic Control Radar TechnicianEL: 110
5954Air Traffic Control Communications TechnicianEL: 110
5974Tactical Data Systems TechnicianEL: 115
5979Tactical Air Operations/Air Defense Systems TechnicianEL: 115
6046Aircraft Maintenance Administration SpecialistCL: 100
6048Flight Equipment TechnicianMM: 105
6062Aircraft Intermediate Level Hydraulic/Pneumatic MechanicMM: 105
6072Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Hydraulic/Pneumatic/Structures MechanicMM: 105
6073Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/Refrigeration TechnicianMM: 105
6074Cryogenics Equipment OperatorMM: 105
6092Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures MechanicMM: 105
6111Helicopter/Tiltrotor Mechanic-TraineeMM: 105
6112Helicopter/Tiltrotor MechanicMM: 105
6122Helicopter Power Plants MechanicMM: 105
6132Helicopter/Tiltrotor Dynamic Components MechanicMM: 105
6152Helicopter Airframe MechanicsMM: 105
6172Helicopter Crew ChiefMM: 105
6213Fixed-Wing Aircraft MechanicsMM: 105
6222Fixed-Wing Aircraft Power Plants MechanicsMM: 105
6252Fixed-Wing Aircraft Airframe MechanicsMM: 105
6276Fixed-Wing Aircraft Crew Master KC-130MM: 105 or GT: 110
6282Fixed-Wing Aircraft Safety Equipment MechanicMM: 105
6313Aircraft Communications/Navigations/Radar Systems TechniciansEL: 105
6314Avionics/Maintenance Technician, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)EL: 105
6322Aircraft Avionics/Electrical Systems TechniciansEL: 105
6386Aircraft Electronic Countermeasure Systems Technician, EA-6BEL: 105
6531Aircraft Ordnance TechnicianGT: 105
6541Aviation Ordnance Systems TechnicianGT: 105
6672Aviation Supply SpecialistCL: 100
6694Aviation Logistics Information Management System SpecialistEL: 115
6842METOC Analyst ForecasterGT: 105
7011Expeditionary Airfield Systems TechnicianMM: 95
7041Aviation Operations SpecialistCL: 100
7051Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting SpecialistMM: 95
7212Low Altitude Air Defense (LADD) GunnerGT: 90
7236Tactical Air Defense ControllerGT: 105
7242Air Support Operations OperatorGT: 100
7257Air Traffic ControllerGT: 110
7314Unmanned Aircraft System OperatorGT: 105


ASVAB score requirements can change over time due to branch needs and applicant numbers. 

In addition to meeting the minimum ASVAB score for Marines, potential applicants must fulfill other qualifications as follows:

  • Degree: High school diploma or equivalent
  • Age requirements: You must be between 17 and 28 years old to enlist. For commissioning as a Marine Officer, you must be between 20 and 28 years old.
  • Citizenship: U.S. citizenship 
  • Criminal background check: Both enlisted and officer candidates must pass a criminal background check and have no felony convictions.
  • Initial Strength Test (IST): New recruits must pass the IST, which includes:
  • Pull-ups or push-ups
  • Plank pose
  • 1.5-mile timed run


1. What is the lowest ASVAB score for Marines?

The lowest ASVAB score required to enlist in the Marines is an AFQT score of 31 for high school diploma holders.

2. What is the average Marine ASVAB score?

The average AFQT score for Marines typically falls within the range of 35-65, depending on the specific job and the qualifications of the applicants. 

3. What is the highest ASVAB score jobs in the Marines?

In the Marine Corps, some of the highest ASVAB score jobs are:

  • Intelligence Specialist (0231): This role requires a high General Technical (GT) score of 110 or higher. Intelligence Specialists are crucial in gathering, analyzing, and interpreting intelligence data to support military operations and strategic decisions.
  • Technical Controller (2821): This position demands a high Electronics (EL) score of 115 or more. Technical Controllers manage and control technical systems and equipment, ensuring their effective operation and maintenance.

4. What jobs do I qualify for with my ASVAB score Marine Crops?

Your eligibility for Marine Corps jobs depends on both your AFQT and line scores. To explore the specific MOS you qualify for, refer to the table above and ensure your scores meet the necessary requirements.

5. How to study for Marine ASVAB?

To prepare for the Marine ASVAB, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Understand components that contribute to your Marine ASVAB score. Carefully read the section about how Marine ASVAB scores are calculated to comprehend all the scores that contribute to finding your Marine jobs.
  • Focus on improving your skills in the subtests that contribute to your AFQT and Marine line scores. 
  • Practice tests in advance to become familiar with test structure and questions, enhancing your readiness.

For more resources, check out our Marine ASVAB study guide and sample tests.

Final thoughts

Now you can find the answer to the question, “What Marine jobs do I qualify for with my ASVAB score?” By understanding Marine Crops ASVAB score and using our ASVAB score calculator to keep track, you can enhance your chances of securing your desired Marine MOS. If you have any questions related to Marine jobs and ASVAB score, please let us know. We will try to address all your concerns as soon as possible. Good luck on your journey to becoming a Marine!

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